
With this privacy policy Trafilerie Assi Spa, the Controller pursuant to art. 4 of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data, informs (ex Article 13) all those who visit this website on how they will be used and processed your personal data.

Identity and contact details of the data controller
Business name: Trafilerie Assi Spa
VAT no./f.c.: 01723280150
Registered seat: Viale De Gasperi 129 – 20010 Bareggio (MI)
This website is manged by Trafilerie Assi Spa

Personal data collect
Trafilerie Assi Spa collects and processes personal data provided by data subjects, such as identification data (for example, name, surname and email address).

Purpose of the treatment
Trafilerie Assi Spa processes personal data through electronic or, if necessary, paper means to answer to any question or request you submit. In any case, any processing will take place exclusively for purposes strictly connected and instrumental to the fulfillment of obligations inherent in our contractual relationships and the related legal obligations.

Sharing, communication and transfer of data to third parties
Trafilerie Assi Spa will only disclose your personal data for justified reasons to external processor for the purposes of contract execution (e.g. law firms, consultants, auditing company, shippers, data processing centers) or to courts, public and governmental authorities, or authorized third parties, in the case and to the extent that it will be held or authorized to do so by law or if such disclosure is reasonably necessary. The Data Controller does not transfer data abroad to non-EU countries.

Retention period
Personal data will be stored as they are necessary to answer to the request submitted or until withdrawal of consent.

Rights of the data suject
With reference to the personal data mentioned in this privacy policy, the data subject has according the EU Regulation the following rights:
– right of access by the data subject [art. 15 of the EU Regulation];
– right to rectification of his/her personal data [art. 16 of the EU Regulation];
– right to erase his/her personal data without undue delay (“right to be forgotten”) [art. 17 of the EU Regulation];
– right to restriction of processing his/her personal data [art. 18 of the EU Regulation];
– right to data portability [art. 20 of the EU Regulation];
– right to object to the processing of personal data [art. 21 of the EU Regulation];
– the right object any automated decision-making process, [art. 22 of the EU Regulation].
The aforementioned rights may be exercised according to the EU Regulations by sending an email to
Trafilerie Assi Spa, in accordance with art. 19 of the EU Regulation, shall inform recipients to whom the personal data have been communicated, any corrections, cancellations or limitations of the treatment requested, where this is possible.
If the purpose of treatment pursued by Trafilerie Assi Spa has as its legal basis the consent (e.g. marketing), the subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time, by sending an email to
Pursuant to art. 7 of the EU Regulation, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent made prior to the revocation.
If the data subject considers that his rights have been compromised, he has the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Supervisory Authority.

Automated decision-making process
Trafilerie Assi Spa does not make use of any automated decision making process.

Method of treatment
Personal data will be processed in paper form, computerized and telematic and inserted in databases (potential customers, customers, users, etc.) which will be able to access, and therefore become aware, the employees expressly designated by the Owner as Responsible and authorized processing of personal data, which may carry out operations of consultation, use, processing, comparison and any other appropriate operation including automated compliance with the provisions of law necessary to ensure, inter alia, the confidentiality and security of data and accuracy , the updating and relevance of the data with respect to the stated purposes.

Trafilerie Assi Spa constantly implements and updates security measures of an administrative, technical and organizational nature, aimed at protecting your data from unauthorized access by third parties, from destruction or alteration. In case of use or suspicion of unauthorized use of your personal data, you can contact us at

Update date 14\11\2019